Revise Every Version (REV) is a program that is specifically used for the revision of scripture that is desired by the church but currently has outdated language or is a close variation of a language dialect. It's a way to use non-copyrighted source text scripture to quickly revise it into open source gateway languages.
The Team
Assemble teams with the following roles in each team.
Reads the non-copyrighted text.
Takes in the text and output it into modern speech.
Captures and types the spoken text into writing.
Naturalness/Clarity Checker
Checks the understandability of the passage, word flow, and sound of the translation.
Accuracy Checker
Compares the newly typed text to a variety of source text, which could also include Biblical language text. This could be divided among several individuals as needed/available.
Team adjustments
* One reader could alternate between two groups each with the other roles.
* Condensed group - combine reader and listener-speaker; combine the two checkers.
* Expanded group - split naturalness and clarity checker; split accuracy checker into three: 1) keyword accuracy, 2) comparable-modern-source-text accuracy, and 3) Biblical language accuracy.
The Steps
The assembled team decides on the book they are going to translate from the non-copyrighted source text.
Each person identifies their role(s) within the group.
Begin with the reader and have them read one verse at a time.
The listener-speaker hears the verse and says it in modern speech.
The recorder types the text into writing.
The clarity checker is listening to the verse and comments to anything they don’t understand specifically looking at words, phrases, and sentence structure/order.
The accuracy checker should have a variety of resources according to ability/skill level, ranging from a variety of source texts to exegetical notes, and even Biblical language resources. This role is to check the overall accuracy of word choice, key words are present and well defined.
The entire group is able to contribute at this point for anything that they may hear in a reread of the new verse after step 7.
Continue to the next verse in the same way.
The group may rotate roles by chapter if they prefer and skill set allows.