V-MAST is an online application that enables translation and checking of the Bible and of Bible resources to be accomplished in a web browser. This makes it possible for geographically dispersed teams to work together, performing translation and checking in parallel while being managed by a virtual facilitator.


8 Steps of MAST
V-MAST fully supports the MAST methodology in an intuitive step-by-step process. This makes it easier to create a high-quality translation.
Customize your Workflow
V-MAST supports several types of projects, including the standard 8 steps of MAST, revisions, and more.

Cloud Based
V-MAST works on the internet and is supported by every browser. This makes it easy to save your work and collaborate with other people in real time.
User Guide Introduction
This introductory manual explains elements and tasks that are common to all users of V-MAST, regardless of the type of translation being done. Download PDF
User Guide Translator
This user manual covers the responsibilities for a user operating as a translator within V-MAST. Download PDF
User Guide Checker
This user manual covers the responsibilities for a user operating as a checker within V-MAST. Download PDF
User Guide Facilitator
This user manual covers the responsibilities for a user operating as a facilitator within V-MAST. Download PDF
Revision Checklists
Use this document to track all of the steps necessary for revising a translation done in V-MAST. Download PDF
A Bible in Every Language
Explore our growing library of Bible translations and resources. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, or if you want other kinds of information, please contact us here.